
Cool sandals

These shoes or sandals, what to call them, are all over the internet at the moment. I think they are so cool and I actually find myself admiring them every time I see them. Unfortunately I also find them too rough and big, when I see them on people, and I do not think that I will ever be wearing them.  Sorry shoes, and sorry feet. There are kind of a mix between the classic gladiator sandal and a rocking booth. Such a great idea! But this must be a trend where I'm on the sideline watching other people being cool. Instead I will jump into a sweet dress this Spring. No cool Spring-girl for me.
Cool sandals
Boohoo gladiator sandals / Black sandals, $41 / Topshop black shoes / Vagabond platform sandals, $130 / Platform sandals, $30 / ASOS flat shoes / Charlotte Russe platform sandals
What do you think, is it something you'll be wearing?


Life update

Sooo, this is just another life update. Since I had a really bad day yesterday, this day has actually been pretty great. A couple of days ago I participated in a give-away on this beautiful blog, and I've won it. I am so happy, because it's like my luck had run out, but now a bit of it seem to be back. Yeey! I can't wait to receive the products and try them out. It is an Abba® Pure Thermal Protect Spray and a Sebastian Hydre Conditioner.
Also, this last week has been pretty stressful, but I hope next week will be a bit more normal, and quiet. I have planned to show you my jelly shoes, which I've bought a while ago. They are so lovely, and I'm really looking forward to be wearing them in summer.
Mette's picture

Anyway, I hope you have a great day! And sorry to my Danish readers, I just felt like writing in English today.


Hej hej SRO

Juuhu, så blev det endelig tiden, hvor jeg blev færdig med SRO og fik den sendt af sted i Lectio. En byrde er lettet fra mine skuldre. Jeg synes, som mange andre nok også gør, at afleveringer og større opgaver er noget af det værste. De stjæler al min energi og gør mig i perioder trist og depri, men nu er det heldigvis overstået i hvert fald med SRO. Jeg har i denne omgang skrevet om den danske og den amerikanske velfærdsstat og om Michael Moores film Sicko. - ret god film faktisk.
Men pyyyha, nu vil jeg bare slappe lidt af, Tumble lidt og egentlig starte på lektier og den næste aflevering. Hey hey people. Ha' det godt



// Yaay, it's finally over. I've finished my big assignment for school about the Danish and American welfare systems. I'm ready to recharge my energy and relax a bit, before I make my homework. Anyway, I hope you are all great! Kiss//